Magic Of Microdosing - With Stuart Whitehead
12 Apr 2022
Microdosing is something that has had a dramatic impact on my life over the past two years, and Im looking forward to bringing you this episode.
My guest is a personal friend, mentor, and holistic health expert - Stuart Whitehead - and it is his second appearance on the podcast .
Stuart is extremely knowledgeable on the topic and has helped countless people with issues ranging from addiction to depression, and everything in between.
This topic is gaining more attention as the range of benefits are being spoken about, and science is starting to show how powerful these plants are if implemented in the right way.
Some Topics we cover include :
-Various Microdosing options which include among others -Psilocybin, Mescaline, and Iboga Root Bark.
-Deep cleansing on a cellular level
-Neurological benefits
-Shifting into higher emotional states
-Spiritual aspect and Connecting deeper to yourself, others, and the world.
-Overall health.
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